Weighing In

To loosely quote my friend April, “The scale is not my friend today.”

Woke up this morning, went about my normal routine and then hopped on that most dreaded device, the scale. I was discouraged, to say the least, by what I saw there. Considering I’d had pizza for dinner yesterday, and some ice cream (about a quarter cup which, I have to tell you, while tasty, did bad things to me that we won’t even discuss here, thereby rendering it so not worth it), I definitely wasn’t surprised.

I know I’m only supposed to weigh myself once a week but I’ve spent so much of my life in denial about my weight that weighing in is now a part of my daily routine. Most days I don’t mind it, as I usually see some form of progress, and if not, at least I’m maintaining.

And, on those rare days when I do see a slight increase, whether it’s water weight or the result of a late night pizza and ice cream binge, I refuse to let that deter me in my efforts. In fact, I find this actually has the opposite effect on me, in that I double my efforts to eat smaller, healthy portions, and my resolve to lose the weight is strengthened.

Yep. The scale may not be my friend today, but sometimes it takes our non-friends telling us a truth we’re unable to tell ourselves to get us off our “assets” (again, quoting April!) and moving again.

Here’s to reality checks!



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