NaNoWriMo 2013 - Day 1

Well here we are in the first hour of National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, 2013. With nine minutes left in the hour my word count is at 1951 and I'm ready for some sleep. My brain is tired and I keep finding myself re-reading my work and editing.

Now normally, editing is a good thing. A very good thing indeed. But during NaNoWriMo it is highly discouraged. One of the major objectives of this event is to write with abandon. No thinking, no editing, just writing, getting it out there. Easy enough, right?

Yeah... no. Not for me anyway. Every time I go back and read something I've written I catch myself correcting, rewriting, EDITING.

I blame my control issues. And my deep rooted need to have everything around me be perfect, even though I know that's impossible. Silly me.

Despite the error of my ways (and that damned, red ink, virtual editing pen!) I have managed to crank out 1951 words in less than an hour. And this post. I think that's a pretty auspicious start. Yay me!

If I expect to keep up this pace, I'd be wise to get some sleep. And with that, I bid you all bon nuit.

Until next time - here's to 50K words in 30 days!


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