The Importance of Girlfriends

Yesterday, in my small piece of the world, was Girlfriend day. I ran the Cowtown 5K with one girlfriend, a great friend from church, and then I had lunch with two other girlfriends, ladies I used to work with and saw daily, but now, see only when our three schedules converge.

To say I had a blast would be an understatement. These ladies enrich my life beyond words. Each of them has a special gift: comedic relief, quiet, refined culture, down to earth reality and pure, unfiltered, no-holds-barred craziness - all of which combine effortlessly to make me realize how much I love my girlfriends.

I admit, I don't have many girlfriends. At least, not many that I'm very close to, or spend much time with. I'm a real homebody, and sometimes downright lazy about working at keeping up my friendships if it means doing more than posting a message on someone's Facebook wall or tweeting them a message. Seriously, it's bad, I know.

But after yesterday, I feel so refreshed and am already looking forward to the next time I can hang out with these incredible women, as well as my other girlfriends.

I've overlooked, for far too long, the importance of one's girlfriends, of quality time with women who share common interests, but bring so much of their own uniqueness to the table that you can't help but walk away a better person.

Reach out to your girlfriends today, and let them know how truly special they are. Then, set aside some time, regularly, to spend face to face time with them. You, and hopefully they too, will be better for it.

Here's to the best girlfriends ever!

For the Love of a Dog

About a year and a half ago, my husband told me of a dog a friend of his had rescued and that he, my husband, wanted us to adopt. I vehemently opposed. I am not, have never been and will never be a dog person.

After much cajoling on my husband's part, I finally agreed to at least meet the dog, thinking there was no way a dog would ever break my steely resolve to not bring a dog into our home.

And then, WHAM! I took one look at this face and was undone.

I, of course, agreed that this dog could come live with us but only if:

1. She was an outdoor dog only - had to live outside OR if she did live inside she would not be allowed on the furniture

You can see how well that worked out for me. The dog, now named Bristol, walked into our house and pretty much made it hers. She's been here just over a year, and all my "rules and conditions" of her coming to live here flew out the window the moment she walked through the door.

This week, we had to hospitalize this sweet baby girl. For the last few months, on and off, she'd been vomiting, seemed dehydrated and lethargic, was disinterested in eating, and was having "accidents" almost daily. This was not normal for her, and even after treating her for what we believed was a gastric virus, her symptoms persisted. Most perplexing was that one day she'd seem fine, and then the next day she was sick again. I could no longer stand to see her so miserable.

For the second time in two weeks, we found ourselves at the vet, describing symptoms that had persisted with our furry little princess, on and off, for several months.

The vet took X-rays and performed some quick tests, only to tell us she couldn't find anything. We knew there was something wrong with this precious pup, so we asked what our options were. The vet told us she recommended exploratory surgery on her abdomen to inspect, biopsy and determine what the root of the evil plaguing our girl might be. Or, they might not find anything.

I was undone at the thought of them cutting into my baby girl. I was terrified of what they might find, or that they might not find anything. Reluctantly, we agreed to the surgery. I cried. And cried. And then, I sobbed.

With nothing left to do, we went home, where I proceeded to cry some more. An hour later, we got a call from the vet. They'd decided against the surgery, for now, as Bristol's pre-op blood work exhibited indicators of Addison's disease, an adrenal gland malfunction. The vet explained she would keep Bristol overnight and on an IV to get her electrolyte levels stabilized, then they'd draw more blood to test for Addison's disease specifically.

I immediately did some research and found that all the symptoms of Addison's disease were those my sweet girl had exhibited. I learned that it's manageable and treatable, if not curable. And it meant no surgery for our adorable fur baby.

Relieved, I was finally able to relax a bit. I looked forward to spending time with a healthy baby Bris, taking her for long runs, snuggling with her while we watched TV, having her sit for portraits, hopefully with a big Boxer grin on her face.

She's home today, and I am cooking her some boiled chicken and rice for dinner. Her spirits are restored and she is full of energy, the light back in her eyes again.

As I look over the top of my Macbook screen at her, I remind myself that I am not now, never have been, never will be, a dog person.

Yeah right.

Here's to getting my sweet precious baby girl, Bris, healthy!


Skinny Jeans: A Rant

A disclaimer: If you are a person of a physically bigger nature, and you wear, or are contemplating wearing, skinny jeans, you should turn away from this post immediately. As in, now. Seriously. I make no apologies for what I'm about to say. None.

Consider yourself warned.

I've recently lost thirty pounds. Now, while this was no small feat, it is merely a fraction of the total weight I want, neigh, need, to lose. Thirty percent, to be precise. Yes, that's right, I want to lose one hundred pounds. But, I digress; more on this later, or elsewhere on this blog.

Having lost this weight, I found myself in need of a few new things. Specifically, jeans, as mine were getting absurdly baggy, and subsequently, too long for even my tallest heels. No "pants on the ground" for me!

As I embarked upon my shopping adventure, I wondered what kind of jeans did I want? I contemplated the many choices available: relaxed fit, straight leg, boot cut, wide leg, skinny jeans. Wait, what? Skinny jeans?!

Now, I will reveal something about myself, something I am not particularly proud of, but alas, it is what it is and I am working to change it:

This contemplating of mine was going on in the Women's department of Macy's, as I eyed a pair of straight leg Levi's that were two sizes smaller than the last pair of jeans I bought. Levi's that were folded neatly alongside a variety of other jean styles, the dreaded skinny jeans among them.

Yes, Women's department (read: Plus sized department).

Yes, two sizes smaller. I was, am, a big girl. I have curves. Lots of them. More than my fair share, and not in a good way.

There, I've said it. And though I've lost thirty pounds, and am quite proud of this accomplishment, I am no longer in denial and know I have a lot of work ahead of me yet.

I tell you this, my face burning with embarrassment, because it sets the backdrop for what I'm going to say next.

Skinny jeans have no business in the Women's department! None. Zero.
Ladies, if you are shopping in the Plus size department, also known as the more politically correct 'Women's" department, you have absolutely NO business wearing something called a "skinny jean!" I mean, come on... skinny jeans in the Women's department is the epitome of an oxymoron! Completely contradictory terms here!

Who's the merchandising genius that decided on PLUS sized SKINNY jeans?! If I find you, you're in trouble. Big trouble. (Pun intended.)

If you are truly compelled to wear something more form fitting, might I suggest a lovely straight leg jean? A legging perhaps, with a long tunic? Ok. Maybe not leggings. But that's another topic for another day.

I walked away from buying new jeans because I refuse to buy even one more piece of "Women's" sized clothing. I'm done.

And I'll hold off on getting a "skinny" jean until I'm out of double digit sizes. Skinny, in my world, is not a double digit number, unless it's "00", and come on, that's just WAY too thin, nor will I ever be that small!

I am not angry about the "plus sized skinny jeans" madness. If anything, it simply bolsters my determination to one day get into a truly skinny jean.

Oh, and one last thing. Without apology. If you are a Plus size woman, and you have skinny jeans and love how you look in them, I tip my hat to you. There are few things more attractive than a woman with the hard core self confidence needed to pull off a look like that!

After all, it's not about what's on the outside, right?

Here's to a healthy self-image!

P.S. Two weeks after I walked away from the Macy's Women's department, I walked into a regular old Gap. And I tried on a pair of non-Plus sized, straight legged, Gap jeans. And they fit! Not quite a skinny jean, but it's progress, and progress is good!


Photography Contests

My wonderful husband gave me a new camera for Valentine's Day, prompting me to start shooting again. This has led me to start thinking more about my photography, and I realized that I really want to work on this craft. I call myself a photographer, but often get so frustrated with my own work that I don't feel the "title" is adequate. An amateur at best, I have so much to learn, yet over time, I've found that some of the best ways to learn are:

1. Shoot more
2. Offer up your work for critiques
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as often as possible

To this end, I have decided it's time to enter some photography contests. Some of these make my work available to a vast audience, and if I'm lucky, some of the people that view my work might be able to offer up some constructive criticisms.

One such contest is being hosted by Frommer's, you know, the organization that creates those awesome travel guides? Well, this contest is for a Frommer's book cover. First prize is awarded $5,000 and the winning image will grace the cover of a future Frommer's guide. As my travel photography is one of my larger bodies of work, I figured this would be a great way to get my feet wet. I can enter as many images as I'd like between now and March 31, 2010.

If you're interested in offering up some suggestions from my work for entry into the competition, you can view my work on:

My Facebook fan page

Or on my photography website

If you're interested in checking out the competition, including my entries so far, visit Frommer's contest site, and if you stumble upon one of my images, feel free to leave a comment!

This has been a shameless plug, I know, but rest assured that your support is deeply appreciated!

AND, if you're a fellow photographer, I encourage you to submit your work! I mean, we're talking $5,000 and a book cover!

Happy snapping, shutterbugs!

Back on the Wagon... Again

This new year is not off with a bang. In fact, I've been a complete slacker this year. I run maybe once or twice a week, if that, and I'm way off my eating plan. But it's not all bad news. I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't gained any either.

But today is a new day and I'm recommitting to my goals. I went for a run today, at the gym no less. Employed my new Nike+ sensor too. I think it's off. It said I ran 3.14 miles and at a pretty fast clip, too. Pace was something like 11:19 min/mile. If accurate, this is my fastest run yet. And since the treadmill speed fluctuated between 3.6 mi/hr and 4.8 mi/hr, well, it just think the Nike + sensor is giving me more credit than I deserve. Nonetheless, I'll take it. (Actually, I really should calibrate that thing. I need accurate readings so that I can start training for my first 10K. Not to mention I want to be ready for the next 5K, the Cowtown on February 27th.

As for the eating plan, it's all about small portions, high protein, lots of green veggies, and very controlled, small bits of non-starchy carbs. Want to get back the momentum I had before the holidays, and turn that 30 pounds lost into 50.

I'm newly motivated, and have such a great support system in my family and friends that I know I'll succeed. Not to mention, I really want this. BAD.

Here's to being fit and healthy!

Simple Blessings

There are so many small things I'm blessed with, things easily taken for granted, that I figured I'd list them, mostly for fun, but also to recognize God for the giving, merciful, AWESOME Savior HE is, for, after all, without Him, I have nothing. Please note, these are in no particular order.

1. Hot showers
2. Electricity
3. Indoor plumbing
4. Freedom of speech
5. Freedom of religion
6. My awesome husband
7. My adorable dog
8. My chatty cat
9. My family, nuclear and extended
10. Coffee
11. Bamboo knitting needles
12. Technology, and access to it
13. My friends
14. Rain, especially when I'm in a warm, dry place

Expect more lists like this, as my blessings are countless.

Here's to the God of love!

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