The Importance of Girlfriends

Yesterday, in my small piece of the world, was Girlfriend day. I ran the Cowtown 5K with one girlfriend, a great friend from church, and then I had lunch with two other girlfriends, ladies I used to work with and saw daily, but now, see only when our three schedules converge.

To say I had a blast would be an understatement. These ladies enrich my life beyond words. Each of them has a special gift: comedic relief, quiet, refined culture, down to earth reality and pure, unfiltered, no-holds-barred craziness - all of which combine effortlessly to make me realize how much I love my girlfriends.

I admit, I don't have many girlfriends. At least, not many that I'm very close to, or spend much time with. I'm a real homebody, and sometimes downright lazy about working at keeping up my friendships if it means doing more than posting a message on someone's Facebook wall or tweeting them a message. Seriously, it's bad, I know.

But after yesterday, I feel so refreshed and am already looking forward to the next time I can hang out with these incredible women, as well as my other girlfriends.

I've overlooked, for far too long, the importance of one's girlfriends, of quality time with women who share common interests, but bring so much of their own uniqueness to the table that you can't help but walk away a better person.

Reach out to your girlfriends today, and let them know how truly special they are. Then, set aside some time, regularly, to spend face to face time with them. You, and hopefully they too, will be better for it.

Here's to the best girlfriends ever!


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