Guilt and Movitation

I declared today pajama day at my house. This meant we were going to hang out in our PJs all day, effectively making it a lazy Sunday. I had no intentions of working out today, and was completely okay with that.

Then the dog started getting stir crazy. She hadn't been out for a walk or run in at least four days, and she was restless. I tried to ignore it as I lacked all motivation to go work out. I really didn't want to ruin PJ day by putting on my running gear and taking her out for a much needed run (ok, the much needed part is probably more for me than her!)

Finally, knowing I'd been eating junk all weekend and had skipped at least two much needed workouts, I finally dragged myself off the couch and out onto the street, no longer in my jammies and with the dog raring to go. I lacked all motivation for this run, but did it anyway, mostly to appease our sweet girl, Bristol.

As we burned one, then two miles on our excursion, I reflected over how much I had dreaded this run, and on how good it actually felt to be running. I realized that, while I may often lack the motivation to get up off my duff and workout, I never regret it when I do. Yet, inevitably, every time I'm a lazy bum and skip my workouts, I always feel guilty!

I suspect one day I'll actually like working out. For now, I'll just keep reminding myself that the lack of motivation is not worth the guilt that always comes later. And so, I'll keep dragging myself out for a run with Miss Bris, even when I really don't feel like it. Even if it's PJ Day.

Here's to good health!


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