Gone Crazy

I've set some goals for this year. Now mark my words, these are not resolutions. They're goals. There's a difference. Don't ask me what it is. Just trust me that there is a difference.

I've been told that it's easier to meet your goals if you take the time to write them down. So today, I'm writing them down. Ready?

1. Run at least one 5K (organized event/race) a month
2. Cycle a Century Ride (100 miles) by July
3. Run at least one half marathon by December 31, 2010
4. Participate in at least one triathlon by December 31, 2010
5. Lose 70 lbs (from current weight; 100 lbs total) by July 18, 2010

Lofty, eh? What can I say, I am nothing if not ambitious.
As I look these over, I think, "I've lost my mind. Seriously. Gone crazy!"
But then I look back over what I've accomplished these last 3 months:

1. Lost 30 lbs
2. Reduced caloric, fat, and carb intake
3. Regained control of my appetite
4. Implemented portion control
5. Completed a 47 mile bike ride (not to mention at least 100 miles in training!)

So, yeah, maybe I've set some lofty goals. But with some serious commitment and hard work, I know I can meet all of them. And if I miss one or two? {shrug} I'm okay with that, 'cause I'll know I at least tried.

Here's to losing one's mind and good health!


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