On the 12th Day

Remember a few posts back I mentioned I finally broke down and bought a scale.
Well, today, day 12 of my *new life* I stepped on that scale and was beyond tickled to find that I am now 11.4 pounds lighter than I was 12 days ago. I could hardly believe it.

Guess the meal plan focused on protein and non starchy veggies, along with 7 days of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred have done their work.

Tomorrow marks a full week since I started the Shred, and I think I'm more sore today than I was after the first day. But I'm so committed. I can't even conceive of not doing this workout daily. It's just not optional. At least not in the next 23 days.

Also, Monday marks the two week milestone for my food plan. Again, I've seen such great results so far that I'm not willing to change this. If anything, I will start being more mindful of portion size.

I am thrilled with the results so far! After all, I've lost 11% of the total amount of weight I want to lose, and in less than two weeks!

I know I still have a long way to go, and I know it will get harder before it gets easier.
I also know that it will be worth it. I deserve to be healthy. AND look fabulous! Will post pics at the 20 mile drop point.

Thanks for keeping me honest by checking in here every so often. :)


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