January 1

In an earlier post I mentioned signing on the the 365 Project. A photo a day. Turns out they mean that quite literally. You can only post one photo per calendar day. So, while I can go post all my photos at once, I'm only allowed one a day, per date. That won't work. I mean, I will move forward with the project, as I'm actually becoming more excited about it. But some days, one photo just doesn't cover the broad spectrum that is my life.

So while I do hope you'll all keep up with my life in pictures over on the 365 Project, please know that I'll also be posting entries here, as well. That being said, let's start the show, shall we?

My first cup of the year. Love that I was able to catch the cream going into the delicious black java.
Camera: iPhone 4, Hipstamatic

Coffee Lite
The swirl patterns made by cream in coffee have always fascinated me. I may have to dedicate a day of shooting to this phenomenon in the near future.
Camera: iPhone 4, Hipstamatic

Here's to getting behind the camera again!



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