Stuff I Need to Do

A random list of things I should do, things I want to do, and things I'll likely never get around to doing - all wrapped up into one, in no particular order:

- learn to speak french
- work out more
- post to my blog consistently
- add at least one photo to each blog post
- eat healthier
- eat less
- learn to knit
- call my mom more often
- pick up my photography again
- take more photography classes
- learn how to code in Java
- learn CSS and HTML
- finish the roman shades for the kitchen
- make the curtains for the dining room
- paint the guest room
- paint the office
- paint the bedroom
- paint the living/dining room
- clean out the garage
- sell the scooter
- sell my old, unused electronics
- spend more time with my friends
- be kinder to my husband
- stop gossiping
- take the dog for daily walks
- take cooking classes
- scan all photos
- rip all CDs and DVDs
- create a digital media library
- get a fireproof safe
- put important documents, items in fireproof safe
- spend more time reading my Bible
- stop obsessing about food

It'll be interesting to see how this list changes over time.


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