Randomness on Tuesday

I have a sneaking suspicion I may be developing a bad shopping habit.

I now have icons on my iPad for:
The Bible
The NY Times
Neiman Marcus
Bergdorf Goodman
Summertime (blog)

I LOVE Chanel lipstick – it has a super light aroma of roses and hints of vanilla and it goes on super creamy and luscious.

I had a dream about a turquoise Coach purse. It was a really brightly colored purse. And it was FABULOUS.

I want to do another giveaway soon here on the ol’ blog. Maybe this week. It will be cosmetics related.

I want to learn to SING! I love singing, but can't hold a note or carry a tune to save my life.

I finally started another Kathy Reichs book.

I miss riding my bike.

I need a haircut.

I'm thinking about coloring my hair. Deep red/brown. I guess that would be auburn.

I think red/brown hair would look gross with my olive complexion.

I wish I was pale white. Like that actress..from Bride Wars. Can not for the life of me remember her name – OH. Anne Hathaway.

I wish I could get a glimpse of what my life would be like if I had children.

I'd like to throw out everything in my closet and start over. Except maybe my shoes and purses. And I'd like to start over 90 pounds smaller.

I fantasize of sleeping for twelve hours straight.

Sometimes I get tired of smiling.

I love doing laundry. Except whites. Pairing socks and folding t-shirts sucks.

I've started training for a 10K. I hurt all over, but a good kind of hurt.

I often think I have no idea who I am.

My favorite music is worship music. Amazing Grace gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

Unlikely people make some of the best friends.

The worst kind of lonely is the kind experienced when you're not alone.

My husband can make me laugh over the most random things. Like Gringo tacos.

Converse sneakers have no arch support.

I thoroughly enjoy blogging; even if no one's reading my posts.

I've said "I", or some variation thereof, no less than thirty times in this post. Oh, thirty-two. Self absorbed, much?!

Here's to another Tuesday under the belt.

- Posted via BlogPress on my iPad


Anonymous said...
11 May, 2010 21:26

I've read it!

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