someone over something completely insignificant, I finally snapped.
The result? I mouthed off. And instantly regretted it. I don't like
being mean, cruel, rude. It's not who I am. But when all the right
buttons are pushed in the right sequence, well let's just say, it
wasn't pretty.
I came back after lunch, calmed down and level headed. And I apologized.
My apology went over like a lead ballon, but I guess that's to be
expected. Deserved even, as I was quite an ass.
I have to remember that God made each of us unique and special, and
gave us all a mind, and opinions, of our own. Just because someone is
willing to voice their opinion as strongly as I voice mine doesn't
make them wrong. Lord knows, more often than not I'm the one that's
So, if you happen to be reading this, know that I am sorry.
Here's to holding your tongue and doing unto others as you'd have done
unto you.
Sent from my iPhone
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