Back on the Wagon... Again

This new year is not off with a bang. In fact, I've been a complete slacker this year. I run maybe once or twice a week, if that, and I'm way off my eating plan. But it's not all bad news. I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't gained any either.

But today is a new day and I'm recommitting to my goals. I went for a run today, at the gym no less. Employed my new Nike+ sensor too. I think it's off. It said I ran 3.14 miles and at a pretty fast clip, too. Pace was something like 11:19 min/mile. If accurate, this is my fastest run yet. And since the treadmill speed fluctuated between 3.6 mi/hr and 4.8 mi/hr, well, it just think the Nike + sensor is giving me more credit than I deserve. Nonetheless, I'll take it. (Actually, I really should calibrate that thing. I need accurate readings so that I can start training for my first 10K. Not to mention I want to be ready for the next 5K, the Cowtown on February 27th.

As for the eating plan, it's all about small portions, high protein, lots of green veggies, and very controlled, small bits of non-starchy carbs. Want to get back the momentum I had before the holidays, and turn that 30 pounds lost into 50.

I'm newly motivated, and have such a great support system in my family and friends that I know I'll succeed. Not to mention, I really want this. BAD.

Here's to being fit and healthy!


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