Alas, it was not to be, mostly because I opted to be lazy instead. After the 24 hour marathon of getting ready for the holiday, Friday found me lounging around 'til nearly noon. After I finally dragged myself out of bed, we headed out to take advantage of the Black Friday specials and pick up a few gifts. While out, we bought our Christmas tree, which of course meant I had to spend the rest of the day decorating it. I did actually break long enough to get in a 10 mile ride, though it really should have been at least a 15 mile ride, especially considering all I ate on Thursday.
Yesterday was filled with more sleeping in, cleaning, decorating and running errands, so needless to say, I didn't ride.
Today it's raining, so I'm using that as my excuse. Pitiful, I know.
I think I need to find another event to train for, as that seems to keep me motivated to ride on a regular basis.
Can you say, "Century ride?!"
I've got to get with the program. I really don't want to lose the momentum with either the weight loss or the cycling.
The holidays sure know how to throw a monkey-wrench in my plans! (Yes, I know, it's just another weak excuse.)
Merry Christmas, y'all!
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