Turkey Roll

Here I am, nearly a month after starting this new life. My "get fit" plan seems to be doing okay, as I've lost 16 pounds. I think having a period in there slowed things down, but I half expected this and am working hard at not letting that discourage me.

Today, I ate crazy quantities of carbs. I broke down and had a granny smith apple with peanut butter. Then I had another. and another. It was so tasty and it'd been a month since I'd had fresh fruit. And I'm trying to justify eating 3 of these tasty apples, instead of just the 1. I keep telling myself I worked out really hard yesterday, and so I deserved the treat (or 3). But I didn't work out today, and have no plans to, and so I really should have been more mindful of what I was doing. Nonetheless it is done. I will begin anew in the morning. In the meantime, I will hydrate like crazy and focus on the upcoming bike rally I signed up for, and the training it entails.

Yep, you read that right. I signed up for a bike rally, aptly named the Turkey Roll. It takes place on November 21, effectively giving me 3 weeks (weekends) to train. The event has four bike courses to choose from; 23, 35, 47 or 63 miles. I chose the 47 mile course. Yes, that's right, forty seven miles. It's crazy, I know. Some might even say insane. I certainly do! But I have something to prove to myself. I have to do this.

Had my first long distance ride this last Tuesday. Rode 15.35 miles. And yesterday, I rode 20.25 miles. That is a lot of miles for me, and it left me worn out. But exhilarated! Now I realize 20 miles isn't quite even half of what I plan to ride in a mere four weeks, but hey, it's a place to start! And it falls well into my training plan which is to ride 10 to 15 miles two to three times a week, during the week, and then on the weekends, add at least 5 miles to my long distance ride. That means a 25 mile ride on Halloween, 30 miles the following week, 35 after that, and by the time I get to the week before the 47 mile ride, I'll be riding 40 miles! and really, once you've ridden 40 miles, what's another 7 miles?!

No doubt, easier said than done. But that won't stop me from trying. not a chance.

Here's to good health and another low carb week!


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