We're ten days into the new year and I am just now getting around to writing my first blog post of the year. I wish I had some great excuse, but alas, the fact of the matter is that I've just let my time get occupied by other, less important things. And I haven't really had much to say, come to think of it.
I have, however, been
thinking quite a bit about this blog. I've been contemplating what I want to do with this blog, what direction it should take. The stream of conscience writing is a great outlet for me, but sometimes the
crazies are a little too dominant, and I would prefer to keep that neatly tucked away, at least for the time being. I've considered food blogging, but it seems everyone has a food blog, and my cooking and writing are mediocre at best. Since I love photography, that seemed like the next natural step, but let's face it, I have
serious commitment issues. I'm great at starting projects, but a few minutes, hours, days, weeks in, and I fizzle. I know there's a cure for this. I'm actually thinking maybe, perhaps, I should try it.
Baby steps. It's all about baby steps.
My goals for the year involved writing more, and shooting more. So a photo-centric blog seems natural. But my lack of commitment to, well, just about
everything, will make that a bust. I will find every, any, excuse for missing a post and then I'll just get frustrated and stop altogether. Unless I take baby steps. Small posts. One photo. Easy, right? You would think.
I'd heard (read?) about a "challenge" of sorts called
365 Project. As the name might imply, it involves taking, and publishing, a photo a day. For aspiring photographers, it helps us stay close to our cameras and helps us improve our technique. It helps us keep a record of our lives over the course of a year, as well as see how our photography evolves in that time. It's a challenge I'd considered taking for a long time, even before I knew there was an entire web movement around the concept.
So here I am, on the tenth day of the new year, and I'm ready to commit to the challenge. I may not post daily, but I will at least commit to a photo a day, even if I publish them in a flurry of one liners at the start, or end of a week. Of course, in the beginning, I will try to post daily, as I think the context of each image will be fresher and will provide writing inspiration. Then again, if a picture is worth a thousand words, I may not need to worry so much about the writing portion.
I hope you'll take this ride with me, and maybe even take up the 365 Project yourself.
Here's to keeping our cameras close and our blogs fresh!