Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

I love to read. I don't often make time for it, but when I do get around to picking up my Kindle, I usually devour my books, particularly if they're good ones.

Also a social media addict, I joined Goodreads at the start of this year. Think of Goodreads as the Facebook of bookworms. It's a site that lets you add books you've read, are currently reading, or want to read. You can rate and review books you've already read. You can invite your friends to join and see what they're reading. You can swap books. And best of all, you can enter giveaways for books!

My good friend Summer, who is an avid reader and writes book reviews on her blog summertime, told me a while back that she'd won a few books from Goodreads giveaways. I was, I admit, a little jealous since I didn't even know they did giveaways on this site! Then, a few weeks ago, I found where on the site you can enter the giveaways, and let me tell you, they do a lot of giveaways. I entered my first one and would you believe? I WON!

Weirdest thing is that I won a book I had seen at Barnes and Noble on an outing with Summer, one that I considered buying and then decided to merely make note of and add to my Kindle wish list later. I hadn't gotten around to adding it to the wish list when I found the giveaway section on Goodreads (for those of you on the Goodreads site, it's under the Explore/Books section, towards the right side of the page!)

So yeah, I won a book I'd almost bought. The book is called One Season of Sunshine by Julia London. It's what I consider "fluff", or what Summer would call "brain candy." I haven't read it yet as I just received it today. And I was delighted to actually hold a book in my hands. I'd forgotten how much I like the smell of printed paper. You don't get that with the Kindle. Someone should create a scratch and sniff cover for the Kindle. One that smells like printed paper. Bonus points to the maker if the cover feels scratchy, like the pages of a well thumbed paperback. But I digress.

One Season of Sunshine is on my "to-read" list. It's currently third in my queue, right behind my current read, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larrson and my next read, Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen.

Oh, and I should tell you, if you win something on Goodreads, it's good form to actually read the book you win, and then rate the book and post a review. It's not required, by any means. It's merely the polite thing to do.

Expect my review of One Season of Sunshine in a month or so.

Here's to bookworms and free book giveaways!



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