The Need for Normal

Ever exam just how much energy we expend in an effort to appear normal? We work so hard at trying to fit in, molding ourselves to whatever society calls normal, which of course is also ever changing. It's exhausting, don't you think?

It feels, more and more, like normal is often defined, in large part, by one's ability to keep up with the Joneses. Not just from a materialistic, do-you-have-the-newest-of-everything perspective, but also from appearances, from family life, from the job you have, the friends you keep. Even the church you attend. We spend so much time looking to the sides to see what everyone else has or is doing that we forget to look at ourselves, to recognize within ourselves the incredible person God created us to be.

I've struggled with self image issues my whole life. Self esteem? At times, non-existent. Self identity? Often looked in the mirror and realized I had no clue who the person looking back at me was. All this, of course, because I was so busy trying to use society's yardstick for measuring who I was.

It's much easier to just be me, the flawed but loving woman God intended me to be. Rather than strive to fit in to society's standard of normal, I'm going to be abnormal and pray for God's acceptance. After all, He promises to love me no matter what. Can society do that? I doubt it.

So here's what I say: let your freak flag fly! Be who you are, even if it contradicts who society is telling you to be. It's considerably easier and way more fun! (Even as I write that, it looks weird!)

Here's to the real you (and me)!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...
10 June, 2010 17:25

Here's to being "abnormal" together! Bottom's Up!

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