Back in February I wrote about my husband buying me a new camera. It's a beauty and takes amazing photos, when I bother to actually pick it up. I let so many other things get in the way that I've neglected my one true passion - photography.
There is something about the weight of a camera in my hands that gives me a sense of peace found in few other places. I am most comfortable with my eye to the viewfinder, and the sound of the shutter curtain opening and closing, sometimes as fast as the blink of any eye, is music to my heart. Ask anyone; you'll never see me happier than when I'm shooting.
Today I finally got my act together and grabbed my camera as we headed over to my in-laws for Easter Sunday dinner. My incredibly photogenic nieces and nephews would be there so this would be a great opportunity to exercise the new hardware.
Sadly, one of my little nephews was sick and so he and his family didn't make it (poor little guy) so this shoot was limited to the niece and nephew that were there.
The fun started almost upon my arrival as I begged the kids to come "pose" for me. They were really good sports, considering they were ready to get the egg hunt underway and I was completely holding up the process.
This was it for them at this point. They could no longer contain themselves and the egg hunt was underway.
This looks like a school photo, don't you think? But the light! I love this light!
We moved from one room to another - experimenting with the lovely light.
I shoot the girl more than her brother simply because she lets me. Her brother tends to sit still for one, maybe two shots and then he goes back into his own little world. But hey, at least I got this shot! (I love his freckles!)
Tired of the indoors on such a pretty day, we headed out for a quick "smell the roses" moment, even if the roses weren't blooming yet, we found some lovely flowers.
Then back inside to show off newly acquired reading skills. (Yes, that's my iPhone she's reading from; she asked me to download Dr. Seuss's the Cat in the Hat and I simply couldn't say no!
And finally, back outside to burn some calories after an awesome dinner.
All in all, a very good day of shooting. I really need to make time to get out and shoot more. I've missed it and am ready to get my shutterbug on!
Here's to making awesome images!
Absolutely beautiful photos!! I am so impressed with your talent! But those photos make me wish I was in TX! Especially the ones of Heidi in "my bedroom". I miss everyone in TX, but I'm not sure when I'll get there again!!
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